Bird Report: Kearny Marsh 120810 (and 120910)

Hung out by Gunnell Oval yesterday to see what was cookin' in the (then) unfrozen Kearny Marsh.

Saw plenty of American Coots and Northern Shovelers up-close, and distant looks at plenty of Green-winged Teal and a pair of Hooded Mergansers.

Also present: Northern Harrier, Great Blue Heron, Red-winged Blackbirds, assorted gulls. No Common Moorhen today that we could see.

IMG_8274 Note: Much of the marsh was frozen this morning (Thursday) at 10:30 a.m..

Birsd were congregating in open water near Gunnell Oval — coots, Green-winged Teal, shovelers, a Great Blue, a white domestic duck, a young cormorant, and assorted gulls and Mallards and Canada Geese. IMG_8261

2 thoughts on “Bird Report: Kearny Marsh 120810 (and 120910)

  1. Fred

    The coots are back. looks like small brigetine refuge. , Nice picture can make out Great blue, mallards is there few ruddys; female shovelers to? and in the keary marsh. Where is the Gunnel oval? guessing off skyler ave down the oval sports field. there use to be pretty big open pond section front of keary marsh rail tracks right there? wonderful pics again! thanks for your efforts and allowing us these nice views.

  2. Doug Morel

    I returned to Kearny Marsh after our brief visit and did see the Moorhen carefully venture onto the ice along the phrags to the right of entrance.


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