Bird Report: Rough-legged Hawks 122910

Mike Britt just sent this report to JerseyBirds:

At around 8 a.m. today, I observed two newly arrived Rough-legged Hawks (both light morph) at Mill Creek Point in Secaucus.

Both birds hover-hunted over the MRI tract across the river and one was kind enough to cross the river and hover-hunt over the Secaucus High School Marsh…awesome looks from the raised walkway.

Both birds were perched on small trees, across the river when I left.

Note…the circle (usual parking area) is not plowed…there is room for one car to get out of the way on the boat ramp.

I then immediately drove downstream to check Oritani Marsh, Valley Brook Ave., Kingsland Landfill, Erie Landfill, & the 1-E Landfill and come up with nothing…except a gray ghost. The key is to check the DeKorte area right away to prevent birds (recounts) from dispersing downstream.

Chris Takacs called a short while after I left with a light bird out over Oritani…it could be one of the birds moving downstream…we'll know the answer when Chris (doing my route backwards) goes to Mill Creek Point and finds one or two still…

Mill Creek Point also saw an influx of Northern Harriers…there were only two birds until today's 4+. Also Bald Eagle, Cooper's Hawk, and the usual Red-tails.

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