Thanks to Mike Britt and his crack team of birders, we have a great list of 94 species for this side of the Hudson on the Christmas Bird Count from last Sunday.
Highlights included Canvasback, Long-tailed Duck, Wild Turkey, Great Cormorant (above), Black-crowned Night Heron, Bald Eagle, Red-shouldered Hawk, American Kestrel, Merlin,Peregrine, Common Moorhen,Greater Yellowlegs, Dunlin, Wilson's Snipe, American Woodcock, Iceland Gull, Barn Owl,Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Common Raven (below), Horned Lark, Marsh Wren, Snow Bunting, Orange-crowned Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, Ipswich Savannah Sparrow, White-crowned Sparrow and Pine Siskin.
Full list follows.
Lower Hudson CBC 2010 (West of the Hudson)
Dec. 19
Snow Goose- 2
Brant- 420
Canada Goose- 2823
Mute Swan- 1
Gadwall- 285
American Wigeon- 16
American Black Duck- 151
Mallard- 762
Northern Shoveler- 59
Northern Pintail- 109
Green-winged Teal- 853
Canvasback- 155
Ring-necked Duck- 1
Greater Scaup- 117
Lesser Scaup- 21
Long-tailed Duck- 1
Bufflehead- 174
Common Goldeneye- 17
Hooded Merganser- 72
Common Merganser- 96
Red-breasted Merganser- 35
Ruddy Duck- 309
Wild Turkey- 2
Red-throated Loon- 1
Horned Grebe- 8
Double-crested Cormorant- 92
Great Cormorant- 8
Great Blue Heron- 26
Black-crowned Night Heron- 20
Turkey Vulture- CW
Bald Eagle- 5
Northern Harrier- 8
Sharp-shinned Hawk- 4
Cooper’s Hawk- 10
Red-shouldered Hawk- 2
Red-tailed Hawk- 32
American Kestrel- 5
Merlin- 2
Peregrine Falcon- 7
Common Moorhen- 1
American Coot- 61
American Killdeer- 8
Greater Yellowlegs- 1
Dunlin- 66
Wilson’s Snipe- 3
American Woodcock- 2
Ring-billed Gull- 1813
Herring Gull- 478
Iceland Gull- 1
Great Black-backed Gull- 83
Rock Pigeon- 507
Mourning Dove- 204
Barn Owl- 3
Great Horned Owl- 1
Belted Kingfisher- 8
Red-bellied Woodpecker- 3
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker- 1
Downy Woodpecker- 25
Hairy Woodpecker- 2
Northern Flicker- 9
Blue Jay- 19
American Crow- 338
Fish Crow- 13
Common Raven- 2
Horned Lark- 78
Black-capped Chickadee- 93
Tufted Titmouse- 2
White-breasted Nuthatch- 4
Carolina Wren- 6
Marsh Wren- 1
Golden-crowned Kinglet- 4
Ruby-crowned Kinglet- 3
American Robin- 38
Northern Mockingbird- 47
European Starling- 1946
American Pipit – CW
Cedar Waxwing- 5
Orange-crowned Warbler- 1
Yellow-rumped Warbler- 19
Common Yellowthroat- 1
American Tree Sparrow- 231
Savannah Sparrow- 31 Ipswich Savanna Sparrow- 1
Fox Sparrow- 12
Song Sparrow- 265
Swamp Sparrow- 64
White-throated Sparrow- 198
White-crowned Sparrow- 42
Dark-eyed Junco- 56
Snow Bunting- 70
Northern Cardinal- 39
Red-winged Blackbird- 122
Brown-headed Cowbird- 9
House Finch- 43
Pine Siskin- 2
American Goldfinch- 89
House Sparrow- 407
94 Species
How to report NJ bird sightings: <>
Sounds like a successful count!