Mill Creek 021511: Eurasian Teal, Bald Eagle, Gray Ghost


We had an extremely cold Third-IMG_4620Tuesday Walk at Mill Creek Marsh this morning — 7 hearty souls and 15 species. (Thanks to all who participated!)

Highlights included the elusive Eurasian Green-winged Teal (right) and a Bald Eagle (below).

We had looked for the Eurasian (or Common Teal) on several occasions this winter without success.

Sorry for posting Bald Eagle photos two days in a row. Those darned big birds keep getting in the way of the other stuff.

The free walk was sponsored by the New Jersey Meadowlands Commmission and the Bergen County Audubon Society.

Full list follows.


Location:     Meadowlands IBA–Mill Creek Marsh
Observation date:     2/15/11
Notes:     We saw the Common (Eurasian) Teal in the southeast corner.  saw a Bald Eagle twice, an hour apart, unsure if it was the same bird so only noted one. Also had a Gray Ghost.
Number of species:     14

Canada Goose     X
Gadwall     2
Mallard     X
Ruddy Ducks  12
Green-winged Teal     10
Green-winged Teal (Eurasian)     1
Bald Eagle     1
Northern Harrier     2
Red-tailed Hawk     2
Ring-billed Gull     X
Great Black-backed Gull     10
Herring Gull 1
American Crow (added)
Northern Mockingbird     1
Song Sparrow     1

2 thoughts on “Mill Creek 021511: Eurasian Teal, Bald Eagle, Gray Ghost

  1. Fred

    WOW ! really great picture of Bald eagle. and Green winded teal . You folds really ur efforts are very appreciated. Thank you. viewing these pictures were very enjoyable!


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