Daily Archives: May 5, 2012

A New Meadowlands Butterfly Competition!

The Meadowlands has a Big Year for birders, so why not a "Meadowlands Little Year" for butterfly lovers?

The Meadowlands Commission and Bergen County Audubon Society are pleased to announce a brand-new butterfly competition to see how many species you (or you and your family) can identify in the Meadowlands this year.

Best waNJMC Butterfliesy to start is to pick up a free DeKorte Park  Butterfly Guide at the Meadowlands Environment Center and check off the butterflies as you see them.

Surprisingly, we have already seen many butterfly species in the Meadowlands already this year. They like warm sunny weather, and we finally got some on Friday.

The individual and family that have found the most species by Oct. 31 will be declared the winners.

Their prize will be their choice of one of several beautiful butterfly-related prize from our Tideland Treasures Gift Shop.

Don't hesitate to photograph the butterflies you see. You never know — we see a new-for-the-Meadowlands species or two each year to add to our list.

Biggest rule of the competition: Have fun!

E-mail Jim wright at jim.wright (at) njmeadowlands.gov if you have questions/suggestions.

Super Moon this Weekend

According to National Geographic, the Full Moon this weekend is supposed to be the brightest of the year (clouds permitting).

Link is here.

The Moon will be full both Saturday and Sunday night — a link that will give you moonrise times is here. Saturday's moonrise might be great for photography…