Sneak Preview: DeKorte Park This Weekend

NJMC Naturalist Mike Newhouse took a group of educators on a morning bird walk along the Kingsland Overlook Trail and the Marsh Discovery Trail.

The group had 30 species, including Dunlin, some Cedar Waxwings (above) and an Indigo Bunting.

We are posting the full list of birds seen on the walk — think of it as a sneak preview for this weekend. (Thanks for the list, Mke!)

Richard W. DeKorte Park, Bergen, US-NJ
May 18, 2012 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Protocol: Traveling
1.5 mile(s)
30 species

Mallard  8
Double-crested Cormorant  1
Great Egret  2
Snowy Egret  1
Osprey  1
Semipalmated Sandpiper  15
Least Sandpiper  25
Dunlin  6
Ring-billed Gull  3
Mourning Dove  2
American Crow  2
Tree Swallow  30
Barn Swallow  8
Marsh Wren  8
American Robin  4
Gray Catbird  3
European Starling  5
Cedar Waxwing  3
Northern Waterthrush  1
Common Yellowthroat  2
Yellow Warbler  3
Song Sparrow  2
Swamp Sparrow  1
Northern Cardinal  2
Indigo Bunting  2
Red-winged Blackbird  4
Common Grackle  2
Brown-headed Cowbird  1
Orchard Oriole  1
American Goldfinch  2

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