Daily Archives: June 7, 2012

New Native Plant Garden To Take Root Soon!

The soil is ready, the plants are here (or almost here), and the new native plant garden for birds and butterflies is about to take root.

DSCN4574-001Planting should occur over the next few days.

Funding for the new garden comes from the Meadowlands Marsh Hawks World Series of Birding fund-raising effort, and from the Bergen County Audubon Society. The Meadowlands Commission paid for any additional plantings that were needed.

In addition, BCAS folks dropped off a truckload of native plants for the garden earlier this week. The BCAS'ative plant project is a joint venture with the Teaneck Garden club. BCAS planted 500 native shrubs at the Garden Club,  and they have been caring for them until the BCAS can move them to conservation projects like the one at DeKorte.

The Meadowlands Commission's Parks Department provided the design for the new garden (sketch of the garden's design is here).

Maybe the garden will be part of next year's annual native plant walk.

A big thank you to everyone who made this garden possible!