Monthly Archives: June 2012

Steve Buckingham’s DeKorte Pix

Buckingham Marsh Wren
To wet your whistle for the weekend, we thought we'd post these pix by Steve Buckingham, who writes:

I find there is always something interesting to see at DeKorte. The Marsh Wrens are signing their hearts out right now looking for love. With some patience I was able to get this photo on Sunday evening on the Marsh Discovery Trail as one of the usually shy wrens popped up for a good look.

Then, as I was driving out of DeKorte, a Black Skimmer swooped in out of nowhere, so I stopped the car and ran to the nearest vantage point on the Marsh Discovery Trail and waited for the skimmer to make another round through the area, and after a couple of minutes, he was back, allowing me to snap this:
Buckingham Black Skimmer
 A close-up of a male Red-winged Blackbird follows.

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Kearny Marsh Cleanup — Last-minute Advice

Did a quick check of the Kaerny Marsh trails today — they are a bit wet so wear waterproof boots if you have them.  We'll have the trashbags and water — you need gloves, clippers (optional) and sunblock. 

It's probably a good idea to wear long pants, long-sleeve shirt and bug spray.

We hope to see you Sunday at 10 a.m.  Jim Wright's cellphone is 201-469-7349 if you have any questions on Sunday morning…


Meadowlands Big Year Update


It's June 1, and we are asking for Meadowlands Big Year participants to e-mail us their totals so far  as of May 31 (if they have not done so already). 

There are  still 7 months left, so feel free to jump in and join the fun. It costs nothing to participate, and we are offering some nifty prizes.

If you are competing off the radar, please e-mail Jim Wright at jim.wright (at) so we know you are out there. 

Much appreciated, and good luck to all.

Competition details are here.