To wet your whistle for the weekend, we thought we'd post these pix by Steve Buckingham, who writes:
I find there is always something interesting to see at DeKorte. The Marsh Wrens are signing their hearts out right now looking for love. With some patience I was able to get this photo on Sunday evening on the Marsh Discovery Trail as one of the usually shy wrens popped up for a good look.
Then, as I was driving out of DeKorte, a Black Skimmer swooped in out of nowhere, so I stopped the car and ran to the nearest vantage point on the Marsh Discovery Trail and waited for the skimmer to make another round through the area, and after a couple of minutes, he was back, allowing me to snap this:
A close-up of a male Red-winged Blackbird follows.
And then there are the ever-accommodating-and-entertaining-to-photographers Red-winged Blackbirds… (Thanks, Steve!)
awesome sightings and photos!