Don Torino’s Thanksgiving Column


This is one of several Wild Turkeys seen at DeKorte this spring.

Don Torino, a friend of this blog and president of the Bergen County Audubon Society, wrote his column this week about his Thanksgiving memories.

Here is a sample:

Getting outside and connecting with nature on Thanksgiving has always been a family tradition and an important part of my holiday festivities. In fact, it would not feel like a real Thanksgiving unless I got outside for a walk in nature and did a little birding before the official family events of the day begin.

My longstanding family tradition of getting outdoors on Thanksgiving morning goes way back to my younger days when my brother and I would wander the woods and fields of the Meadowlands taking in and enjoying all the wildlife that thrived around our urban wilderness home. …

The memories of all those special mornings stayed with us no matter what else was going on in our lives, we would always have that time to go back, whenever we felt the need to be together, no matter where time or life had taken us.

But all things change in nature, nothing stays the same, things die, others are born. That’s what nature is. Nature pays no attention to human plans. Nature’s only concern is that the trees, the birds and wildlife continue on.

The link is here.

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