2013 in Review: May

We thought we’d look back at some of blog highlights from 2013, and showcase some of the great photography that folks have contributed.

Here’s May. (Thanks to all!) Just click on the text to link to the post.

May 3: Mill Creek Marsh from the Air

May 5: Severe Outbreak of Warbler Neck @ Losen Slote!

May 6: DeKorte Park in Bloom

May 8: Unusual Mill Creek Mammal

May 9: An Early Happy Mother’s Day! (Above)

May 12: The Marsh Hawks Win! The Marsh Hawks Win!

May 14: Ridgefield Mother’s Day Walk: The Full List

May 16: Losen Slote: Warbler Capital!!

May 25: Look Out for Snapping Turtles!

May 31: Industrious Barn Swallows @ Disposal Road

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