Don Smith reports having seen an American Bittern on Monday evening and Tuesday morning “off Commerce Blvd. in Carlstadt”. He thought he glimpsed a second bird this morning but couldn’t say for sure. Could there be a nest in the area?
Monthly Archives: June 2015
Solstice at DeKorte Park
FREE. Sunday, June 21, noon – 1:30 pm
Meadowlands Environment Center
Celebrate the sun on the longest day of the year. The program starts with a brief discussion of the scientific and cultural significance of the solstice, followed by a short walk to the Lyndhurst Nature Reserve to experience the moment when the sun reaches its peak at 12:38 pm. Participants will each take home a craft kit to make their own sun catchers. Register here.
Meet the Raptors – Up Close and Personal
Wednesday, June 17, 3 – 4:30 pm
Meadowlands Environment Center
Join Bill Streeter, Director of the Delaware Valley Raptor Center, and several of his raptor friends, including falcons, a Golden Eagle and other amazing creatures from the Meadowlands region. Streeter will draw on his 30 years of experience studying and rehabilitating raptors to entertain and educate attendees. Register here.
These Pods Will Turn You Into A Tree When You Die
Green burial. Also called natural burial. It’s a growing trend around the world: forgoing modern embalming and burial techniques so that when we die, our bodies are returned to the soil, just like all the wild animals. In modern times, laws have prevented natural burial, primarily out of concern about disease. But recently a new model has emerged: “ecologically sound burial options and a natural return to the earth—simple, affordable, and respectful of the human spirit.” according to Natural
A cemetery need no longer be full of tombstones. It can become a sacred forest. We can preserve open spaces and honor our loved ones at the same time.
Read about the ‘pod’ on Open Mind here.
Read more about natural burials here and here.
Burrowing Owls
Burrowing Owls in south Florida. Just fun to watch.
Third Tuesday Walk – Laurel Hill
FREE. Tuesday, June 16, 10 am – noon
Laurel Hill Park, Secaucus
We’ll keep an eye out for our family of Common Ravens, shorebirds, herons, nesting ospreys and more. Meet at the big parking lot by the Laurel Hill ball fields. The walk is run by the NJSEA and the Bergen County Audubon Society. For more information contact Don Torino or call 201-230-4983. Register here.
How Much Do You Know About Turtles?
Who doesn’t enjoy a good quiz? Here’s one about a creature we all love. I’ll tell you my score if you tell me yours. Take the turtle quiz here.
Interspecies Relationship: a Girl and an Eagle
“Golden eagles are deeply engrained in Kazakh culture. In Mongolia, the practice of raising a bird of prey to hunt for food throughout the year (called Berkutchy) was originally a male-only pursuit, but as more and more men head into the cities, women have taken up the torch.”
Read more from the Inhabitat article here.
Ready to book a trip to Mongolia for the annual Golden Eagle Hunting Festival? Click here.
Tomorrow! Lost Stories of the Meadows
FREE. Wednesday, June 10, 1 – 2:30 pm
Meadowlands Environment Center
Landscape architect Katy Weidel recounts stories of the Meadowlands of the early 20th century. Learn about battleships, barges and seaplanes. Hear about the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), through which young men were recruited to help conserve and develop natural resources.
Register here.
Fish are Jumpin’ and the Cottonwood Flies
While it’s not quite summertime, the livin’ is easy at Mill Creek Marsh.
Katy Weidel reports this morning: “Fox getting fat, carp dancing in the water & lots of geese honking & hissing…”
- Fat fox?
- Carp, cavorting.
- A gaggle of geese.