Early Bird Gets Great Shots

Mickey Raine sent in these photos of Least Sandipers, Egrets and a Black-crowned Night Heron he took at DeKorte on Saturday just after 7 a.m.  Early morning is a great time to see many species gathered before breaking for the day. As Mickey writes: Scenes are very different at the start of the day–like it is with people or any other creatures, for most settle together at the end of the day, and do not go their own way until sometime in the morning; therefore, an hour when one can usually expect to see the greater gathering .

SandypipersSandpipers DeKorte 5.15.16Egrets DeKorte 5.15.16 Egret2 DeKorte 5.15.16Black Crowned Night Heron2 DeKorte 5.15.16 Black Crowned Night Heron DeKorte 5.15.16

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