Dennis Cheeseman stopped by DeKorte at lunchtime today and got this great shot of a Bittern gliding over the marsh. This pic is worth spending time in the heat!
Monthly Archives: July 2016
Beautiful Pied-billed Grebe
Thanks to Ron Shields for these wonderful photos of a Pied-billed Grebe in the Kearny Marsh. Ron writes: It’s always a celebration to find and photograph a Pied-billed Grebe in the Kearny Marsh, which was once a major breeding area for this species. The Brebe is but one of several new arrivals that have been spotted in the marsh this past week.
Butterfly Day is Tomorrow!!!!
Our favorite day of summer is just a day away! Butterfly Day at DeKorte Park is this Saturday, July 30, from 10 am to 3 p.m.
The free event includes butterfly talks and guided walks. We’ll look for majestic monarchs, fabulous fritillarys and more at Jill’s Garden and throughout the park. Experts from co-sponsors Bergen County Audubon Society and the North American Butterfly Association – North Jersey Chapter will be on hand to help you find and identify the butterflies and will have tables with plenty of information on the species.
The family-friendly day features plenty for kids, including a scavenger hunt, costume contest at noon (for ages 12 and under), face painting, coloring and crafts. Rain date is Sunday, July 31. Don’t miss out! Register for the free event here.
Gypsy Moths Thwarted
Gypsy Moths did not do their usual damage to the region’s forests this year. An article in The Record explains why.
Due to the inclement weather, tonight’s Moth Night at DeKorte Park has been postponed to this Thursday, July 28, from 8:30 to 10 pm
Greetings from Skeetkill Creek Marsh
Cooling Off
Pics of the Litter
Route 3 Bridge Peregrines
Ruff Photos!
Thanks to Chris Takacs for the first photos of the Ruff spotted at DeKorte Park today. The Eurasian bird is rarely seen in these parts. For more on the Ruff click here