Here’s our second batch of photos from Joe Koscielny taken at yesterday’s DeKorte walk. These mainly focus on some “house sitters” (great pun, Joe!)
Daily Archives: October 3, 2016
DeKorte Walk Photos
Joe Koscielny sent some great photos from yesterday’s DeKorte walk, where 30 species and taxa were spotted. Here’s the first of two batches, with the second to come in a little bit. Thanks as always Joe!
Welcome Steve!
A hearty welcome to our newest blog contributor, Steve Ceragno, who sent in the following photos he took at DeKorte over the weekend. We look forward to more of your submissions!
Great DeKorte Walk Yesterday!
Those who came out to DeKorte for yesterday’s nature walk with the BCAS were treated to more than 30 species and one taxa! Below is a complete list and we’ll have photos later on. Our next walk is Tuesday, Oct. 18 at Mill Creek Marsh in Secaucus. Don’t miss it!
Mallard |
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Double-crested Cormorant |
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Great Egret |
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Osprey |
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Northern Harrier |
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Red-tailed Hawk |
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Greater Yellowlegs |
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Lesser Yellowlegs |
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Ring-billed Gull |
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Mourning Dove |
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Chimney Swift |
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Belted Kingfisher |
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Yellow-bellied Sapsucker |
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Northern Flicker |
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Peregrine Falcon |
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Marsh Wren |
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American Robin |
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Gray Catbird |
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Northern Mockingbird |
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European Starling |
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Common Yellowthroat |
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Northern Parula |
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Blackpoll Warbler |
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Yellow-rumped Warbler |
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warbler sp. (Parulidae sp.)Yellow Warbler |
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White-throated Sparrow |
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Song Sparrow |
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Swamp Sparrow |
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Eastern Towhee |
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Northern Cardinal |
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House Finch |
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American Goldfinch |