Check out today’s Record’s front page story here. It’s a wonderful story on bird photographer Ron Shields and the juxtaposition of the Meadowlands’ natural beauty amidst the industry, turnpike and other urban aspects that border our Meadowlands. There’s also a video with Ron and Mickey Raine, another fantastic photographic chronicler of the Meadowlands. Thanks to Chris Maag and Michael Karas for taking the time to come out and to Ron and Mickey for sharing their enthusiasm and knowledge!!!
Monthly Archives: April 2017
Don Torino’s Life in the Meadowlands: A Tribute to Alice the Eagle
Six years ago a pair of American Bald Eagles nested in the most unlikely of places. Amid the concrete, cars and steel of the most densely populated state inside the most highly populated county, a species once thought lost forever had the tenacity and stubbornness to try and raise a family in place once believed to be impossible. And yet they not only survived but thrived in an urban wilderness not very welcoming to wild creatures
Drake Eurasion Wigeon at DeKorte This Morning!
Be Especially Wary of Ticks This Year
It’s always smart to take precautions against ticks, which can carry Lyme Disease, when out on the trails and in the woods in spring and summer. But this year may see a large increase in the number of ticks that carry Lyme Disease, a story in The Record reports. Read the story, and preventive measures to take against tick bites, here.
Rare Visitor to DeKorte This Morning
An Uncommon Visitor
Don Torino’s Life in the Meadowlands: As Spring Arrives a Reminder to Keep up on our Birding Ethics
Spring is an incredible time of year. So many unbelievable and magical things are happening in the natural world that at times it seems to defy human understanding.
But like a nervous mother Hen, this is the time of year I worry the most about our birds, especially when I see a photo of a bird’s nest or hear talk of folks gathering too close to birds and places they should not be. So I thought it would be a good time to remind all of us that the first rule of birding, much like the Hippocratic Oath, is to do no harm.
Living With Eagles, Lots of Them
What’s it like to live in a small town with 500-800 eagles constantly on the lookout for food. Well, let’s just say the residents of Dutch Harbor, Alaska, don’t have the same reaction to seeing eagles that we do here in the Meadowlands. There’s a reason for that. Read on here
Manatees May Move from Endangered to Threatened Species List
“Snowbirds” who spend time in Florida may have noticed an increase in the number of manatees. These population, and habitat, improvements have led the U S. Fish and Wildlife Service to propose reclassifying the West Indian manatee from an endangered species to a threatened species. According to U.S. Fish and Wildlife, there were an estimated 1,267 manatees in Florida when the agency began aerial surveys of the population in 1991. Today, there are more than 6,300, a 500% increase. Read an article on the new development here
Sunday DeKorte Walk Photos Part 2 of 2
Here’s the second batch of amazing photos from Sunday’s BCAS DeKorte walk courtesy of Joe Koscielny. Be sure to attend our next walk on Tuesday, April 18, at Harrier Meadow in North Arlington, from 10 am to noon. This is a great opportunity to explore a fantastic natural area that is normally closed to the public. We’ll be looking for spring migrants, waterfowl, raptors and more.
For more info contact Don Torino at or 201-230-4983.