Kearny Marsh Cleanup: Making a Difference!

The Meadowlands Commission, Bergen County Audubon Society  and the Northern New Jersey Geocachers had a 90-minute cleanup of the trail alongside the Kearny Marsh at Gunnell Oval this morning.

Everything went great. DSCN4506We had three dozen folks there, and we filled a Bagster with litter and cut away a lot of underbrush so that the trail is more walkable…

Just wanted to thank Bergen County Audubon Society and the Northern New Jersey Geocachers for their hard work, and also wanted to thank Kearny for giving us the opportunity to help keep this treasure looking great.  (And a big thank you to Waste Management for providing the Bagster!)

This is the third year in a row that the commission, Bergen Audubon and the Geocachers have done a cleanup (with Waste Management’s help) as part of National Trails Day weekend, and we are happy to report that each year there has been a little less work to do.

The photo below was taken at the end of the cleanup — the Bagster (across two parking spaces) filled with litter, old metal pipes, a lawn chair, tubing and a French beard trimmer found by Pam Mistretta, who wins a free signed Osprey print by "Meadowlands" author/artist Tom Yezerski for strangest find.

Again, thank you, Everyone!


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