Marco Lips took this photo of this week's snowfall, with lower Manhattan on the horizon. Took us a second to figure out where it was taken. (Click on the image for a better look.)
This was taken from Schuyler Ave in North Arlington. I have a nearly identical photo made many years earlier showing a different skyline and the full moon rising above the twin towers. When I was a youngster, I trapped muskrats on that chunk of man-made land in the middleground. Back then it was mostly dry land with some patches of of marsh. Now it looks like its sinking and the tidal marsh is reclaiming it.
The soccer field off Schuyler Ave?
This was taken from Schuyler Ave in North Arlington. I have a nearly identical photo made many years earlier showing a different skyline and the full moon rising above the twin towers. When I was a youngster, I trapped muskrats on that chunk of man-made land in the middleground. Back then it was mostly dry land with some patches of of marsh. Now it looks like its sinking and the tidal marsh is reclaiming it.