Tag Archives: tricolored heron




    Update: Heron was still here toward the beginning of the Marsh Discovery Trail as of 4 p.m. Friday. He was near the second structure on the right as you walk in. Fabulous looks at the bird.

   The tide gate is opening at the impoundment soon, and the water level will drop — no guarantee the tricolored will stay much longer.

   We are told the bird was first seen at DeKorte on Tuesday.  If you have a significant sighting in the Meadowlands, please e-mail Jim Wright.

   I hope to post a video on Monday.

   We were walking along the Marsh Discovery Trail around 3:30 p.m. Thursday when we saw this amazing (and very small)  heron walking in front of us.
   The juvenile tricolored was not skittish at all, and as a family neared him as they walked along the boardwalk, he hoped in the water by the boardwalk, then perched on a handrail (above), then flew.
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