BIRD REPORT: Lyndhurst, North Arlington

Birder Michael Britt reports:

I birded DeKorte for about 4 hours today…no White Ibis for me [but three Kestrels].

    Click "Continue reading…" for his full report.

Kestrel (3)
Semipalmated Sandpiper (6000+)
Lesser Yellowlegs (100+)
Greater Yellowlegs (50+)
SB Dowitcher (12)
Great Egret (40+)
Snowy Egret (40+)
Great Blue Heron (15)
Black-crowned Night Heron (10)

Also: Least Sandpipers, Spotted Sandpipers, Semipalmated Plovers, Green Heron, Osprey, Forster’s Terns, etc.

Notes: Two of the Kestrels were perched along the Erie landfill…the other one was at the construction site by the old baseball field.  The big flock of peeps spent most of its time on the flats adjacent to Harrier Meadow. 
    The shorebird pool at DeKorte is in great shape right now with exposed flats and low water…not sure if it was intentionally drawn down but either way…in good shape. 
    I spied on Harrier Meadow from the Skyline Sports Complex in North Arlington…since you are up on the ridge (Schuyler Ave. across from Holy Cross cemetery) you get a decent view of the pools (which by the way are in great shape for grasspipers)…even if the soccer fields are locked up (which they almost always are) this is a great vantage point…especially in winter as you can see the Erie landfill, old BCUA landfill, 1-E landfill, DeKorte impoundments, Harrier Meadow, and Saw Mill Creek marsh on the other side of the Turnpike…I’ve found Rough-leg and Bald Eagle from up there in winter.

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