Meadowlands Commission Naturalist Michael Newhouse reports:
Yesterday, Kate Ruskin of New Jersey Audubon spotted a juvenile White Ibis in Harrier Meadow [see description of this North Arlington site in next post].
Commission staffers saw the bird again this morning.
This area is restricted to the public, but if anyone would like to try for the bird during working hours, please contact me at 201-460-1095 or email me at michael.newhouse (at)
Click "Continue reading" to see a list of other birds seen at the site this morning.
Also seen there this morning:
American bittern
Black-crowned night-heron
Short-billed dowitcher
Semi-palmated sandpiper
Least sandpiper
Semi-palmated plover
Least and greater yellowlegs
Great egret
Snowy egret
Great Blue Heron