Daily Archives: September 19, 2008

BIRD BANDING Week of 0915-091908

 NJMC naturalists are conducting a study to see what kinds of habitats should be created on the Meadowlands’ landfills to attract a greater diversitImg_7726_3y of migrating birds and to provide nesting habitat for threatened or endangered grasslands species, such as Savannah Sparrows and Grasshopper Sparrows.   

    As part of the study, Meadowlands Commission naturalists have been mist-netting birds on the Erie Landfill in North Arlington, banding them and recording their vital statistics, and then releasing them.

      We will post the bird data for the week here on Friday afternoons through early November whenever possible.

  Click "Continue reading…" immediately below for this week’s tally.

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    Kearny Marsh, Kearny High School biology students  and the NJMC’s swallow nesting-box program are the focus of a segment of the New Jersey Educuation Association’s TV show tomorrow (Saturday) at 9 a.m. on NJN. NJMC naImg_7419turalist Gabrielle Bennett-Meany is featured in the segment as well.
   According to the program guide, "AP biology students from Kearny High School survey marshlands and then build and install bird houses in an effort to attract birds that combat mosquito infestations. The Meadowlands has the only fresh water in the area, creating a significant environmental impact for the residents of Kearny."
    A slideshow from the NJEA show is here. Consult your TV listings for more information.