Daily Archives: April 20, 2010

Bald Eagle W/Transmitter

Alice Leurck photographed this Bald Eagle equipped with a transmitter at Bergen County's Overpeck Preserve this past weekend on a Bergen County Audubon Society field trip. It was either flying to or from the Meadowlands, we believe. :- )

According to Alice, Don Torino of BCAS e-mailed the state DEP; they responded that they don't think New Jersey has transmitters on Eagles, but they will check into this. Can anyone help?  (Thanks, Alice!)

Gil Hawkins, executive director of the preserve, says this was the third instance of a Bald Eagle with a transmitter seen  this year. Two eagles with transmitters were seen flying together.

The New York State DEC has an eagle/transmitter program. (Link is here.) We have contacted them as well.

Tomorrow Night: ‘Birds of the Meadowlands’ Talk

  Dave Hall of the Bergen County Audubon Society will give a talk about the birds of the Meadowlands tomorrow (Wednesday) night at 8 in the Meadowlands Environment Center.
   The talk, part of the BCAS monthly meeting, is free and open to the public.
   If time and the weather allows, we will visit the McDowell Observatory to view the night sky after the meeting. And don't forget to bring your old sneakers to recycle!
   Details follow.

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Today’s Harrier Meadow Walk

   We saw some great birds at Harrier Meadow today, beginning with a Northern Flicker at a bird-banding demonstration by NJMC Naturalist Mike Newhouse and his trusty volunteers. 
    Among the attractions — a male Northern Harrier, plenty of Greater Yellowlegs, a nice variety of ducks and a host of Tree Swallows who insisted on showing off.
    We'll post the full list and many more pix later this week. Thanks to the 30 people who joined us for the walk…