As we were leaving work today, we saw two Black
We parked my car in time to catch them as they made their final pass.
Also caught this Forster's Tern (right) going into a dive. The fishing must have been pretty good.
Daily Archives: July 20, 2010
Today’s Birding-By-Boat Trip
To celebrate our first anniversary of Third-Tuesday-of-the-Month bird walks, we had a birding-by-boat trip on the Hackensack River today, and did the birds show up to celebrate with
A sampling: Eight Ospreys, a Peregrine Falcon, umpteen Black-crowned (below) and Yellow-crowned Night Herons, Forster's Terns, and plenty of yellowlegs and other sandpipers (bottom). Not to mention too many Diamondback Terrapins to count (right).
Bird and terrapin pix below were taken by R.T. Geoghan. (Thanks, R.T.!)
Will post more pix and maybe a full list tomorrow.
We are thinking of making this a monthly trip during the summer. E-mail us here if you like the idea.
Bird Report 072010
Chris Takacs filed an amazing list of sightings from the Meadowlands the past few days, including Black Skimmers, a Peregrine Falcon, an American Kestrel, a Gray Ghost, 2 Blue Grosbeaks and a Clapper Rail.
Full list follows. (Thanks, Chris!)
No MDT Walk Today — plus Nifty Forster’s Tern Pics
Because of a scheduling conflict, today's (Tuesday's noon) Marsh Discovery Trail walk in DeKorte Park is cancelled. The next noon walk is Thursday.
Last Thursday we had a great (but brief) look at a Least Bittern flying, and an amazing Forster's Terns show. It all began with this perched Forster's Tern and a juvenile floating in the Shorebird Pool.
The adult took off with the fish …
Full sequence follows…
Tuesday Teaser 072010
Thought we'd post some of the birds that NJMC Naturalist Mike Newhouse and his stalwart band of volunteers banded this spring.
Who's this?
Click below for the answer and more about this bird.