082710: Avocet Continues: With Map


The distant American Avocet continues in the back of the Shorebird Pool in the northern area. He hangs out with the Mallards, then disappears.  He was seen as recently as 4:40 this afternoon.Trail guide inside map 8-12

One thought on “082710: Avocet Continues: With Map

  1. Mike G.

    Make that 7:15 p.m. for the Avocet. (Yes, even the “Kiss of Death” (KOD) saw it this time.) I wonder if any one has seen it actually feeding and not just hiding behind ducks and sitting pinned against the phrags since last Saturday?
    We also chased the belted Kingfisher seen last evening back and forth between the Discovery Trail entrance and the rails by the first pavilion on the north side for a while, but even when we flanked it and came at it from both sides, it wasn’t going to sit for a photo, and flew off to the north.


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