DeKorte Bird Report: 082710


Did not see the Avocet as of 1 p.m. Friday, but it could easily be out of sight. Had dowitchers, both yellowlegs, Ruddies, Osprey, a few Forster's Terns and lots of egrets.

Water levels in the Shorebird Pool are up due to recent rains but a few spots of mud are around.  Also had an American Kestrel off Disposal Road.

2 thoughts on “DeKorte Bird Report: 082710

  1. Mike G.

    I think all the geese are busy eating the grass in Lyndhurst Bergen County Park, and I’m not sure they really like the brackish water.
    DeKorte has been whisper quiet these past couple of days, there is hardly anything there at the moment, even during high tide. There are the usual cast of characters, except all the Semi-palms seem to have left, except for a few juvenile stragglers. It seems we are in a lull.
    Haven’t seen the Avocet since the evening of the 17th, and I see some disappointed birders and photographers looking for it. Who knows, maybe it will turn up again, but it’s been a while since anyone sighted it. Hopefully it has flown off to better climes and not ended up as a Peregrine’s dinner.
    Lots of night heron last night close to 8:00 p.m., and you can see as well as hear multiple Belted Kingfishers in and around the impoundment. I suspect as we get into September we’ll be seeing quite a few itinerant travelers, but for now it is just very slow. But that will change soon enough.


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