Corn-like Milk Snake (or vice-versa) by Bird Banding Station

(Reposted) Erica Mueller recently photographed a (non-poisonous) snake by the bird-banding station at the closed Erie landfill.

We know that some people don't like to view photos of snakes, so you'll have to continue reading to see a couple of photos and use a link to learn more about two types of snakes that this snake has been ID'd as — Corn or Milk. You decide! (Thanks, Erica!)


More on Corn Snakes here.

More on Milk Snakes here.

Recipe for Corn Milk Soup inexplicably here.



10 thoughts on “Corn-like Milk Snake (or vice-versa) by Bird Banding Station

  1. Mike G.

    “Some people don’t like to view photos of snakes.” Yes, too many people would, erm, recoil in terror, if you posted such a scary photo on the main page.

  2. Judy Collier

    According to the NJ Department of Fish, Game and Wildlife, corn snakes are rare in New Jersey and only found in parts of the Pine Barrens.

  3. Taylor

    according to the research i’ve done on the red corn snake this looks too close to be an eastern milk snake. the scale texture and the markings are almost a perfect match to the snake i myself found just a few days ago. It was a baby not more than 10 inches long and had the red spotting same as the picture above. The belly was a white and red checker board pattern. Just seems like it is too similar to be an Eastern Milk.


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