Monthly Archives: October 2010

South Bergenite: Observatory Update

NJMC staffer Jim Wright wrote his latest column for The South Bergenite on the William D. McDowell Observatory at DeKorte Park, now hot off the presses. Here's the column:

Most visitors to the N.J. Meadowlands Commission’s DeKorte Park these days are here to go bird-watching, to enjoy the many walking trails, or just take in the park’s beautiful flowers and landscape on a crisp fall day.

What most of those visitors don’t realize is that on Monday and Wednesday nights, DeKorte offers a free attraction of an entirely different sort: the William D. McDowell Observatory’s research-grade telescope, capable of viewing objects millions of light years away.

The big draw at the observatory these days is the planet Jupiter, “It’s really putting on a nice show,” says Astronomer John Sloan, the observatory’s director. “And it’s going to get more and more spectacular as we progress into the fall and early winter, as the planet gets higher and higher in the night sky during our observing sessions.”

What’s more, the solar system’s biggest planet has a different look this fall.

Full story follows.

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Sunday’s Laurel Hill Walk: Part II

This was the view from Laurel Hill County Park on Sunday on the NJMC/BCAS walk.

Hackensack River is in the foreground.  The marsh is the Saw Mill Creek Wildlife Management Area. The white buildings in the back are DeKorte Park in Lyndhurst — not all that far, as the Osprey flies. (and yes, the dot in the lower middle of the picture is a Great Blue Heron.)

Earlier post on the walk is here. Full list from our walk follows.

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Great Shot of Last Week’s Storm, Plus Osprey


We'd like to thank Marco Lips for sending this shot of the rough surf on the Saw Mill Creek mud flats during last week's storm. To look at the photo, you'd think it were the Atlantic.

We're also sharing one of Marco's Osprey shots, below. Ospreys are in major migration these days, and a few locals are sticking around as well. (Thanks, Marco!)


Sunday’s Walk, Laurel Hill Part 1


We had an invigorating First-Sunday-of-the-Month walk at Laurel Hill County Park in Secaucus, with 25 of us enjoying a brisk IMG_2229-2
change in seasons.

Highlights included a Peregrine, an Osprey w/fish (right) and three Ospreys total, a Brant and plenty of great looks at Golden-shafted Flickers.

We will post a full list (sort of) later in the week. On behalf of the Meadowlands Commission and the Bergen County Audubon Society, we'd like to say thanks to all who participated. 

Next walk is Tuesday, Oct. 19, at 10 a.m. at DeKorte Park in Lyndhurst. We all have a bonus walk on Sunday, Oct. 24, at 10 a.m. at Mill Creek Marsh — a beautiful time of year to be there.

Flyway Gallery: October

Sunflowers and Apples The Art Association of Rutherford’s 63rd Anniversary Open-Juried Art and Photography Exhibit will be on display at the NJMC Flyway Gallery during October.

The show runs today, Monday, Oct. 4, through Friday, Oct. 29.

An awards reception is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 9 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. 

The environmentally-themed exhibit includes nature and wildlife photography as well as oils, watercolors, pastels, and drawings of  seascapes and landscapes.

More info and two more images follow.

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More Scenes From the Kearny Marsh

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Ron Shields filed this report just before last week's deluge:

Attached please find some images from the Kearny Marsh from before the storm.  With the expected rainfall, I'm sure the higher water levels will change things up a bit.  Exposed throughout the summer months, the  mudflats had been extremely attractive to a variety of avian life. 
Thanks, Ron! Two more images follow.

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