2010 in Review: August


The year 2010 marked the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission's 41th anniversary and the continued expansion of our nature programs with Bergen County Audubon Society — including an Earth Day Celebration, a Kearny Marsh Cleanup, a Butterfly Day, a "Green Friday" nature walk, and a talk by Scott Weidensaul.

We thought we'd celebrate by looking back at 2010, month by month.    

Here are some August highlights:

Aug, 6: Carlstadt Peregrine

Aug. 9: Doubly Amazing Tagged Shorebird Story

Aug. 10: DeKorte Butterfly Report

Aug. 12: Carlstadt Harbor Herons

Aug. 20: DeKorte Sunrise

Aug. 22: American Avocet at DeKorte

Aug. 24: Kearny Marsh Sora

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