Daily Archives: January 14, 2011

Harrier, Along About Sunset


As the sun IMG_1008 set to the south, we saw a distant Northern Harrier to the east, flying over the Saw Mill Creek Mudflats at DeKorte. We were in the Lyndhurst Nature Reserve, where harriers have hovered all day.

Lower Manhattan is on left, Laurel Hill is in center, and the eastern spur of the N.J. Turnpike is on right.

Canada Geese and Canvasbacks are in the foreground.

Above, a harrier flies over the mudflats around noon today.

Have a great weekend.


Bird Report: Disposal Road 011311

Mike Girone reports:

Was around the AmVets Carillon on Disposal Rd. again today from 3 – 4:30 p.m. A light-morph Rough-leg appeared over the landfall just as I parked. It hovered over the landfall briefly, then flew behind some trees and I didn't see it again.

Did see at least 4 Northern Harriers, including 2 Gray Ghosts (1 sub-adult, 1 full-adult). The sub-adult caught and ate a small unidentified prey item behind the retention pond.

An adult Red-shouldered Hawk (above) was perch-hunting from a small tree near the yellow Transco Trail gate, then flew behind the Carillon towards the Saw Mill Creek trail gate.

Near the end of the day, a male American Kestrel flew by and briefly hovered over the Erie landfill, and an adult Red-tailed Hawk soaring over Disposal Rd. closed things out at the Carillon.
I've attached 2 pics of the Red-shoulder that flew by the Carillon earlier in the day.


Saw Mill Creek Trail Closed

As you head toward the Saw Mill Creek Trail from the Lyndhurst Nature Reserve, you will reach a bird blind with a locked gate.

The gate is locked because the path is treacherous beyond that point. During some high tides, the water from the impoundment actually flows over the embankment there.

The gate had been unlocked recently because of vandalism. The sign (at left in photo) is in effect in any event.

Please keep out — we don't want anyone to get hurt. Thanks!

Monk Parakeet Update Part II

We stopped by Railroad Avenue in Ridgefield to look in on the Monk IMG_0938
Parakeets. We saw about 30 of these noisy green birds whiz past their nests on the causeway bridge, squawking the whole time, but only one perched — about 100 yards from the nests (above).

As we returned to our vehicle, an immature Cooper's Hawk flew out of a tree near the roost.

Strange to see snow atop one of the nesting platforms (left).

Birding Update: 011311 Roughlegs

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Disposal Road and Valley Brook Avenue are the prime location for raptors of late, with frquent fliers that include Rough-legs, Northern Harriers, American Kestrels and Red-tails.

Ron Shields took these shots on Wednesday but saw the Rough-legs and others on Thursday as well. (Thanks, Ron!)

Just a cautionary note: No parking is allowed on Valley Brook, and between bends in the road and a rise or two, it is often hard for motorists to see pedestrians. Please be careful.

Also, the property on both sides of Valley Brook is off-limits. It is being remediated, so please do not trespass.