South Bergenite: Nifty Story on Meadowlands’ Bald Eagles

Brian Anderson of The South Bergenite has a neat story on the recent Bald Eagle sightings in the Meadowlands in the editions published today.

Here are the first two paragraphs:

Of all the birds of North America, the American Bald Eagle is a bird that carries with it a mystique for many Americans. Its white head, yellow beak and never-back-down stare inspire pride in the hearts of many.

For local residents, catching a glimpse of this noble bird won't require a vacation to Cape Canaveral, FL, or Alaska—a quick car ride to the Meadowlands and a bit of luck might be enough to see a bald eagle in the wild.

The link to the full story is here.

9 thoughts on “South Bergenite: Nifty Story on Meadowlands’ Bald Eagles

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