Valentine Sunday Walk Highlights


A big thank you to the two dozen birders who braved the wind and cold to go on our Valentine's Day Sunday walk. P1070169

We knew it was going to be a cold day when a member of our group showed up wearing a parka with an Antactica patch.

Highlights included a Brown Creeper and a couple nice looks at Northern Harriers and Red-tails.

Full list later this week.


2 thoughts on “Valentine Sunday Walk Highlights

  1. Fred

    Yes , I like to express my appreciation for the group braving the cold weather to hopefully see and or get pictures of various birds. I thank you all for your efforts , and I see that you indeed did sport sevarl birds. I hope to be able to join you on the up an coming walks . just a matter of my health and how the legs doing, which could use the excerize. I also look forward to meeting you all. For when I was a young boy 10 yrs old, My Uncle to me down the North Arlington marshes I learn very much over sumer and winter months and how to which docks and marsh birds and shore birds and more. and also in later years I knew the Kearny marsh had to have surpizes , which it did male wood ducks, loads of blue winged teal, greenwingewd teal. and lots more, I am very excited to see Bald eagles, and other raptors.

  2. Don Torino

    Hi Fred,
    Thanks for keeping up with the latest news about our walks in the Meadowlands, hopefully you can soon join us and enjoy yhe birds along with us!
    Don Torino-BCAS


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