Daily Archives: August 3, 2011

Laughing Gull!

IMG_7215 We saw this Laughing Gull on the dock at the Red Roof Inn in Secaucus yesterday afternoon. Also had one at Harrier Meadow in North Arlington yesterday at lunch.

Ubiquitous in South Jersey, these gulls are seen far less frequently up here.

What to Expect in August


To anticipate what we might see in the Meadowlands this month, we thought we'd look back to see what was seen last year at this time.

Here are some August highlights:

Aug. 6: Carlstadt Peregrine

Aug. 9: Doubly Amazing Tagged Shorebird Story

Aug. 10: DeKorte Butterfly Report

Aug. 12: Carlstadt Harbor Herons

Aug. 20: DeKorte Sunrise

Aug. 22: American Avocet at DeKorte

Aug. 24: Kearny Marsh Sora