Monthly Archives: August 2011

Today’s Walk!

The weather held, and we had a nice turnout of 25 people and 35 species on our Third-Tuesday-of-the-Month walk at Harrier Meadow.

Highlights included Bald Eagle, Solitary Sandpiper, Green-winged Teal and a raptor trifecta — Peregrine, Redtail and Osprey — all in the same field of view over the 1-E Landfill.

We will post the full list tomorrow, and the mystery plant we saw will be next Tuesday's Teaser.

Shorebird Pool Pix and Important Update

Jeff Nicol got some great shots at DeKorte Park's Shorebird Pool on Saturday, after the Meadowlands Commission had lowered the water levels. (Thanks, Jeff!)

Sunday's heavy rains — we got eight inches of rainfall — brought the water levels way high, but we are lowering them again.

The levels should be lower Wednesday morning, with some exposed mud again. It sometimes takes a couple of days or so to get the shorebirds back in good numbers.

We are doing all we can — and keeping our fingers crossed — for Saturday's free "Kevin Karlson Shorebird Day" event.

A highly unusual panoramic shot of peeps in the Shorebord Pool follows. (Tilt your head or your laptop to enjoy.)

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Record Article on DeKorte Park’s Disabled-Friendly Trails

Over the weekend, The Record published a nifty story by Staff Writer Misha Patel on DeKorte Park's MarshAccess Program, which does a better job of bringing the disabled closer to nature than just about anywhere else around.

(Program coordinator Michele Daly is pictured above, on the wheelchair-friendly Marsh Discovery Trail. Daly is director of disability education at the Mead­owlands Environment Center and adjunct professor at Ramapo College.)

Link is here.

Link to a companion story, on the region's handicapped-accessible trails in general, is here.

Tuesday: Free Harrier Meadow Guided Walk

Harrier maedwo view
We hope you can join us at 10 a.m. tomorrow (Tuesday) for a free two-hour guided walk of Harrier Meadow in North Arlington, but be advised that lightning or thunder cancels the event. Please check this blog; we will post updates as appropriate at 8 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.

The 70-acre natural area, usually closed to the public, is a great place to see migrating shorebirds and Ospreys like the one above, photographed on our April 19 guided walk. 

Always bring water, bug spray and sunblock (overly optismistic, huh?).

Full information follows.

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DeKorte Butterfly Garden News (Clear-winged Moth)

August 11_Clear-winged Moth_0711SM-1 Lots of good butterflies in dribs and drabs yesterday at DeKorte Park's Butterfly Garden and environs.

These included Monarchs, Red Admiral, Silver-spotted Skippers and Broad-winged Skippers.

But the insect of the day was "clearly" the Clear-winged Moth at right, photographed by R.T. Geoghan. (Thanks, R.T.!)

The Meadowlands Commission has added steppingstones (below) to the Butterfly Bushes between the MEC and the walkway out to the Marshview Pavilion.

Now you can see butterflies (and clear-winged moths) without stepping on plants or getting your shoes or boots muddy.
