Monthly Archives: August 2011

The Best Times to Visit DeKorte for Shorebirds

IMG_0222-1We are finding that greatest numbers of shorebirds are hanging out in the Shorebird Pool at DeKorte when it is a high tide in the nearby tidal impoundments.

With a lack of other mudflats to feed on, the birds are flying over to the mudflats at DeKorte, which have been lowered this month to help out the shorebirds.

Good times to visit would be around 9 a.m. on Friday, 10 a.m. on Saturday, and 11 a.m. on Sunday. 

DeKorte Shorebird Pool Pix

SS7_1427 Greater Yellowlegs-1
Sandy Sorkin writes:

"DeKorte Park is a major resting point for migrating shorebirds.  The water level has been lowered to create more feeding areas and Sandpipers and Yellowlegs are plentiful. 

"There are also large numbers of Forster's Tern with a mix of adult and immature birds.  Aside from the markings, you can tell which are the young ones by the number of dives required to catch a fish." (Thanks, Sandy!)

Lesser Yellowlegs is above. Semipalmated Sandpiper is below.
SS7_1405 Semipalmated Sandpiper-1

Next Free Guided Walk: Harrier Meadow, Tuesday

We hope you can join us at 10 a.m. next Tuesday for a free two-hour guided walk of Harrier Meadow in North Arlington.

The 70-acre natural area, usually closed to the public, is a great place to see migrating shorebirds and Ospreys like the one above, photographed on our April 19 guided walk. 

Always bring water, bug spray and sunblock.

Full information follows.

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Peregrine Deja Vu


While looking through the August blog posts for last year, we were struck by a post from Aug. 6 that talked about a Peregrine appearing at a Carlstadt marsh. In the past 10 days or so, we have seen two banded Peregrines at the site — including the (distant) adult above.

Unlike last August's Peregrine, this bird was adult and banded (though too distant for a photo), and this bird got it into a couple of brief skirmishes with the resident Ospreys.

The link to last year's Carlstadt Peregrine Falcon story is here.