Semipalms vs. Least Sandpipers

Since this is the time of year when the peeps are arriving in great numbers, IMG_7201-6
we thought we would repost a couple of photos from last year about this  time, taken on the Marsh Discovery Trail.

The photo above is of a Semipalmated Sandpiper (left) and a Least Sandpiper (right).

The Semipalm gets its name for its partially webbed (semipalmated) toes.

See photo at left.

These were taken Aug. 5, 2010.

One thought on “Semipalms vs. Least Sandpipers

  1. Mike G.

    When you see a big cloud of a thousand peeps swirling a 1/4 mile away, it’s hard to tell them apart no matter how big your scope is.


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