NJMC staffer Jim Wright, who keeps this blog, also writes a column every other Thursday for The South Bergenite. His latest, about the yearly increasing duck numbers in the Meadowlands, is below:
First came a Northern Shoveler or two in Harrier Meadow in North Arlington.
Then a couple of Northern Pintail started paddling around the Shorebird Pool in DeKorte Park in Lyndhurst.
Next came a small flotilla of Green-Winged teal, slurping up food in Secaucus’ Mill Creek Marsh.
While all of us were all busy with our autumn activities and chores, ducks have quietly invaded the Meadowlands again, joining our year-round resident mallard, gadwall and ruddy ducks.
If you are looking for another reason to be thankful on this Thanksgiving Day, consider: DeKorte Park is typically one of the best places to view these wintering waterfowl in our entire region.
Rest of column follows.
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