Don Torino, who leads the "Birding for Beginners" classes for Bergen County Audubon Society and the N.J. Meadowlands Commission, has a new post on the subject for
"From time to time with whatever we do in life, we need to reinvigorate
ourselves. It's easy to feel a little world-weary or to take things for granted
at times.
As veteran birders, we tend to search more for the infrequent visitor and look past some of the birds we have learned to love over the years. We allow the beautiful azure of the Blue Jay or the wonderful trills of the Song Sparrow go by without a second look.
"But I have a surefire way to bring back the same feeling of excitement and discovery that you felt on your very first day of birding.
"The answer is not in a new book, on a webpage, in a trial bottle, or a new supplement that you can buy on late night TV for $19.95. The answer is simple – introduce someone new to birding." …
The link is here.