Monthly Archives: April 2012

Free Walk and Bird-banding Demo Tomorrow

Just a reminder: Our Third-Tuesday-of-the-Month Bird Walk with the NJMC and BCAS takes us to the legendary Harrier Meadow in North Arlington, where we'll see a bird-banding demonstration before venturing into this 70-acre natural area.

The two-hour walk starts at 10 a.m. — you can meet us at the entrance to Harrier Meadow at 10 sharp or meet us in the visitor's parking lot at DeKorte Park by 9:40 a.m. Directions to both places are in the lefthand column of this blog.

Harrier Meadow, usually off limits to the public, features ponds and tidal impoundments and birds aplenty.

The walk is run by the N.J. Meadowlands Commission and the Bergen County Audubon Society. Check for last-minute updates. You will have to sign a standard liability release that is good for NJMC/BCAS events throughout the year. To rsvp, contact Don Torino of the BCAS at or 201-230-4983.

Help Wanted: Shorebird Counters

Nellie Tsipoura of New Jersey Audubon writes:

Dear Shorebird Citizen Scientist,

It is time to start thinking about the spring migration surveys!

Please let us know if you are able to participate in the 2012 survey.

    The spring migration surveys should be conducted once a week between April 27 and June 10.  The data sheet is available at:

    For those of you who are interested in surveying for the fall migration, fall surveys start in mid-July and counts are conducted once every 10 days.

    Please email me or Nellie ( if you have any questions.  Counters are especially needed in South Jersey, so spread the word.

    Little Blue at Harrier Meadow — Check with Us on Sunday!

    NJMC Naturalist Mike Newhouse and photographer Roy Woodford saw a Little Blue Heron in Harrier Meadow this morning during bird banding. (Thanks for photo, Roy!)

    If the bird is still around on Sunday (or we find any other great birds), the NJMC and Bergen Audubon Society will have a brief Harrier Meadow walk at 3 p.m. for those who want to see it.

    Call Jim Wright between 12:30 and 1 p.m. or after 1:30 p.m. on Sunday — 201-469-7349 — to see if the bird's there and the walk is on.



    Don’t Forget: ‘Birding for Beginners’ on Sunday

    Just a reminder that our first "Birding for Beginners" class is Sunday at 1 p.m. at DeKorte Park in the Meadowlands Environment Center auditorium.

    A bief talk and slide show on bird identification will be followed by a walk around DeKorte Park.  (You can also join us for just the walk, which will likely begin shortly after 1:30 p.m.)

    Full info follows.

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    Whither the Laurel Hill Ravens?

    We are getting reports of Common Raven sightings at Laurel Hill, but we have not seen much activity at the nest, and the site typically has a lot more whitewash at this point in nesting season. 

    Please e-mail Jim Wright at jim.wright (at) if you see activity at the nest — or other significant raven sightings. Photos are always appreciated.

    We are still hoping to a few new little heads pop up above the nest in early May — but just wondering…

    DeKorte Park: Bird Preview

    Did a quick walk around Lyndhurst Nature Reserve in DeKorte Park yesterday to see what might be around for Sunday's Birding for Beginners Class."

    Had 29 species in 30 minutes, including the first (of a bazillion) Yellow-rumped Warblers and some of those darn Brown-headed Cowbirds.

    (A Brown-headed Cowbird on Friday the 13th — what could be better luck?)

    Full list follows.

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    Our South Bergenite Column: Birding for Beginners

    Jim Wright, who keeps this blog for the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission, also writes a twice-monthly column for The South Bergenite. Here's his latest, on the upcoming free "Birding for Beginners"
    classes at DeKorte Park.

    Interested in learning more about the amazing birds of the Meadowlands and the nature that awaits you just beyond your doorstep?
       Over the next three Sundays, the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission and the Bergen County Audubon Society are offering “Birding for Beginners.”
      BCAS President Don Torino says the series of three free classes and nature walks are designed to help you getting to know and enjoy birds more, adding: “Another goal of the classes is  to introduce people to the Meadowlands and show everyone know how great the birding is there.”

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