Daily Archives: June 14, 2012

Joe McKay and “The Pig Farm Blues”

Joe McKay, the son of a Secaucus pig farmer, is a folk singer inspired by his childhood — he lived down the road from Henry Krajewski, a pig farmer and tavern owner who ran for president in the 1950s.

Joe’s songs are a window on the Meadowlands of yore, before the environmental recovery began.

Joe will be performing tonight at 7 p.m. DeKorte Park in the Meadowlands Environment Center’s Marshview Pavilion.

The event is part of the MEC’s Summer Senior Program, and it’s free and open to anyone age 55 and up.

To register, call 201-777-2431 or 201-460-8300.

The photo, courtesy of Joe McKay, is of some his father’s many pigs.

Oh Oh!

Roy OO 20120610-DSC_3743
Roy Woodford reports:

"Finally found the first year mail Orchard Oriole (I think) that everybody has been yammering about.  He was singing up a storm on the Kingsland Overlook Trail … took 45 minutes to track him down and get a few shots."

(Thanks, Roy!)  And yes, "Oh Oh" is short for Orchard Oriole.