Daily Archives: April 1, 2013

Coming Sunday: Wren-O-Mania!!!

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We know we can't compete with Wrestlemania in the Meadowlands on Sunday, so we thought we'd offer an equally exciting alternative — Wren-O-Mania at DeKorte Park. This free two-hour guided bird walk includes a free prize to the first person to see or hear a Marsh Wren or Carolina Wren! (Photo of the Marsh Wren above by Ron Shields, from The Nature of the Meadowlands).

Details follow.

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Blazing a Trail at Skeetkill: Help Needed!

DSCN5739-001Eagle Scout candidate Alek Corradini of Rutherford is working on several improvements at Skeetkill Creek Marsh Park in Ridgefield — including a new walking trail. He'll be working there from 1 to 3 p.m. today through Saturday, and he could use a hand.

If you can help out, call Alek at 201-355-6076. (Bring gloves and rakes and wear long pants.)

In the photo above, Alek was installing new Tree-Swallow nesting boxes at Skeetkill last month, with an assist from the Bergen County Audubon Society. (Thanks, Alek!)

Directions to Skeetkill follow.

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We Need Your Big Year Totals!

DSCN9973Get out your binoculars — and send us your Meadowlands Big Year totals as of March 31!

The goal is to see as many different bird species as possible in the 14 towns of the Meadowlands District over the course of 2012 — and also to have fun birding.

 To ensure a level playing field, all birds must be seen in areas open to the public, or on guided walks or banding events in such places as Harrier Meadow or the back of the Kingsland Landfill (this Sunday's walk is a perfect example) .

It's not too late to get started. Sunday's First-Sunday walk in DeKorte Parkis a great way to begin. We''ll even share a list of birds seen on the walk on eBird.org, and you can delete the birds you did not see.

The idea is to promote birding in the Meadowlands, and to give area birders a competition that does not require as much travel (and gasoline consumption) as, say, a New Jersey Big Year.

To make this as fair as possible, we  have two divisions: Meadowlands residents and non-Meadowlands residents.

More details follow.

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Photographers Showcase: Quincy Magoo

Quincy Magoo has been photographing in the Meadowlands for several years, and is best known for his soft-focus techniques, as evidenced by the Red-breasted Merganser shot above.

"A sharp focus is over-rated in my book," Quincy says. "I was just lucky to see these guys in Teal Pool last month."

Quincy studied at Rutgers. A link is here.

Quincy's photos of a Fox Sparrow and well-camouflaged Long-Eared Owl follow.

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