Tuesday’s Losen Slote Walk: the Full List


We had a beautiful day for our Losen Slote Creek Park walk on Tuesday — and saw 28 species in all.

Full list follows.

Meadowlands IBA–Losen Slote Creek Park, Bergen, US-NJ Oct 15, 2013 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Protocol: Traveling

1.1 mile(s)

Comments:     BCAS/NJ Meadowlands Third Tuesday walk

28 species (+1 other taxa)


American Black Duck  X

Mallard  X

Sharp-shinned Hawk  3

American Woodcock  1

Rock Pigeon  2

Mourning Dove  X

Red-bellied Woodpecker  2

Downy Woodpecker  1

Northern Flicker  X

Blue Jay  X

crow sp.  X

Black-capped Chickadee  X

Tufted Titmouse  X

White-breasted Nuthatch  X

Carolina Wren  X

Hermit Thrush  X

American Robin  X

Gray Catbird  X

Northern Mockingbird  X

European Starling  X

Palm Warbler  X

Yellow-rumped Warbler  X

Eastern Towhee  X

Song Sparrow  X

White-throated Sparrow  X

Northern Cardinal  X

Common Grackle  X

Brown-headed Cowbird  X

House Sparrow  X

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