Daily Archives: October 4, 2013

New eBird Bird-finding Feature on This Blog

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Want to get the most recent eBird bird sightings from any of 10 major birding spots in the Meadowlands with a single click?  Thanks to this new feature to be found in the right-hand column of this blog, you can see what species have been seen recently and who is reporting them.

Once you are on the eBird location, you can even click on “get directions” and get Google Maps to tell you how to get there. (Thanks, eBird.org!)

Big Year Totals Through September

DSCN9973Here are the tallies as of Sept. 30 in the Meadowlands Big Year contest for 2013. We have a couple of tight competitions.

Congrats to all for competing. Most of the tallies are up from last year at this time.

We hope you are having fun near to home, and seeing lots of great birds.

Keep in mind that some birders are in the Meadowlands all the time, and others get here occasionally, so their birdage may differ drastically.

If your name’s not on the list and you’d like to compete, please e-mail Jim Wright at jim.wright (at) njmeadowlands.gov. It’s still not too late! Sign up now!

Here is the leader board as of  Sept. 30:
1. Mike Newhouse 200 (NJMC, setting a target number for competitors.)
2. Chris Takacs: 199, (2012 reigning champion, ineligible for prizes
in 2013 as a result, lives in district)
3. Ray Duffy, 175 (in district)
4. Jackie DeMarco, 157 (out of district)
5. Mike Wolfe, 158 species (out of district)
6. Dennis Cheeseman, 155 (out of district)
7. Jim Wright,  146  (NJMC staff, ineligible for prizes)
8. Zach Batren, 144 (out of district)
9. Mike Turso 138 (out of district)
10. Rob Fanning 131  (out of district)
11. Julie McCall, 127 (in district).
12. Oliver Stringham, 125  (in district)
13.  Roy Woodford 124 (out of district)

Link to Big Year totals last year at the end of September is here.

Flyway Gallery Show for October and November

Edge of the Woods
The New Jersey Meadowlands Commission’s Flyway Gallery in DeKorte Park is hosting the Art Association of Rutherford’s 66th Annual Open Juried Exhibition, now through Friday, Nov. 29.

An awards reception is scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 13, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. It is free, and open to the public.

The exhibit features three-dozen pieces that fall into five categories: Oil/Acrylic, Watercolor, Photography, Computer Manipulated Art and Other Media. Works range from photographs and paintings of nature scenes and wildlife to pastel portraits.

The artists include folks from the Meadowlands as well as other southern Bergen County communities and some Essex County residents. The watercolor above is “Edge of the Woods,” by John Hardin of Rutherford. Continue reading