Daily Archives: April 4, 2014

3 Nifty DeKorte Events This Sunday

1-IMG_6742This Sunday, There’s a trifecta of nifty nature events in DeKorte Park this Sunday — a free first Sunday of the Month walk at 10 a.m. (including a look at the new Purple Martin condos), a Birding for Beginners class at 1 p.m. (including a free guided walk in which we are sure to see Tree Swallows like the little guy above), and an owl program featuring live owls and pix of Meadowlands owls, beginning at 2 p.m.

Details for the three events follow.

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New Purple Martin Condos @ DeKorte!

1-DSCN0122-002Thanks to the Bergen County Audubon Society and Purple Martin expert Tim Shaheen, DeKorte Park is now home to a condo complex for Purple Martins.

BCAS donated the structure and eight of the dozen gourds, and Shaheen donated his expertise and the other four gourds. NJMC Naturalist Mike Newhouse and colleague Drew McQuade helped with the installation.

Please stop by DeKorte Park and see the new installation. It is located next to the Shorebird Pool between the MEC and the Administration Building.

We will post more about the Purple Martin condo complex soon.

What’s Being Seen: DeKorte Park & Disposal Road


Thinking of visiting DeKorte Park or nearby Disposal Road this weekend?

To see what’s being reported at DeKorte on eBird Hotspot Explorer, click here.

To see what’s being reported along Disposal Road on eBird Hotspot Explorer, click here.

Note: As of Friday, part of Disposal Road near DeKorte Park had a very deep puddle covering the entire roadway. You may want to park in DeKorte and walk down the Transco Trail or take the Schuyler Road entrance to Disposal Road.

Swallows Love Their New Harrier Meadow Housing

1-DSCN0033No sooner did the NJMC’s Gabrielle Bennett-Meany and Drew McQuade put up new Tree Swallow nesting boxes in Harrier Meadow yesterday morningĀ  than the little zephyrs started moving in….