Daily Archives: April 28, 2014

A Ridgefield Cleanup

1-IMG_9566Just in time for our free  Mother’s Day guided walk, Karen Riede reports:

Above is a photo of the Skeetkill clean up team consisting of students from Ridgefield Memorial High School (RMHS) that were sent to Skeetkill with team leaders  Kathy Meyer and Michele Gillies and RMHS Spanish Language Teacher Olga Escobar.

It was the 10th Annual Town-wide Clean Up Day sponsored by the Ridgefield Environmental Commission. Counting all involved was 130.  Other sites cleaned were Bell Dr., Railroad Ave., Broad Ave. and sites around Veterans Memorial Park, Nature Center, 2 schools and the Community Center.

(Thanks, RMHS! Our walk will be visiting three of those places on Mother’s day )