Daily Archives: July 10, 2014

Ospreys Abounding

IMG_1298This has been another good year for Ospreys in the Meadowlands, with at least five nests in the district. The one above, on Valley Brook, has one nestling ready to fledge any day. You can barely see the little head sticking up.

Informative recent Osprey article in The Hudson Reporter is here.

Pelican Continues, w/Better Pic!

The American White Pelican continues today (Thursday) on the Sawmill Creek Mudflats at DeKorte, but it has been too far away to get a decent photo. So Chris Takacs  rode his bike from Lyndhurst to the Belleville Pike to get a closer shot.

A lot of pedaling, a tick or two, and some poison ivy later. he got this shot.

(Thanks, Chris!)

Bergenite Column: Moth Night Preview

IMG_2802Jim Wright, who keeps this blog for the N.J. Meadowlands Commission, also writes a twice-monthly nature column for the South Bergenite. His latest column is about Moth Night at DeKorte Park on July 21, and features an interview Liti Haramaty, co-founder of National Moth Week:

Liti on Knorr

Liti Haramaty, co-founder of National Moth Week.

How did the idea for NMW come up?
The idea came up from the success of local public moth nights in East Brunswick.  Guided by David Moskowitz with The Friends of the East Brunswick Environmental Commission since 2005 we invited local residents to moth nights in our town’s parks. People were attracted to the light and sheet setup like moth to a flame. There were families, naturalists and birders, photographers and neighbors.

Seeing that many people are interested in night time nature we thought we should get more people involved in more places.  Dave and I are both members of a Facebook group of moth’ers and we had a conversation with other group members to test the idea of having moth nights at the same time in different locations. Everyone loved it – and so in fall of 2012 National Moth Week was born. Continue reading

Thank you, wildnewjersey.tv!

In a post this week, wildnewjersey.tv wrote:

“If you haven’t bookmarked Meadowblog.net, get to it. We here at WNJ love this site. They are always posting great photos, fun articles, and cool events. They know how to represent the beauty and wonder of wildlife in New Jersey.”  (Thanks, guys!)