Important Moth Night Info

IMG_2802We are looking forward to another nifty Moth Night at DeKorte Park — we’re a proud participant of National Moth Week.

The free event runs from 8:30 to 11 p.m., and features a Moth Talk at 8:45 by National Moth Week’s Elena Tartaglia.

The NMW folks will be setting up their moth-attracting lights near the Meadowlands Environment Center.

What to bring: Flashlights, bug spray, comfortable shoes, cameras, close-up binoculars if you have them.

If the first parking lot (by the guard booth) fills up, we will ask folks to park in the second lot by the administration building, so drivers should drive slowly and be extra careful of pedestrians, and folks should be aware of vehicles. (No running!)

Directions to DeKorte Park are on the right side of this blog.

Moth Night is sponsored by the N.J. Meadowlands Commission and the Bergen County Audubon Society.

Hope to see you tonight!

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