Daily Archives: June 11, 2015

These Pods Will Turn You Into A Tree When You Die

biodegradable-burial-pod-memory-forest-capsula-mundi-9-OptimizedGreen burial. Also called natural burial. It’s a growing trend around the world: forgoing modern embalming and burial techniques so that when we die, our bodies are returned to the soil, just like all the wild animals. In modern times, laws have prevented natural burial, primarily out of concern about disease. But recently a new model has emerged: “ecologically sound burial options and a natural return to the earth—simple, affordable, and respectful of the human spirit.” according to Natural Burial.org.

Greensprings Natural BurialA cemetery need no longer be full of tombstones. It can become a sacred forest. We can preserve open spaces and honor our loved ones at the same time.

Read about the ‘pod’ on Open Mind here.
Read more about natural burials here and here.

Burrowing Owls

Burrowing Owls in south Florida. Just fun to watch.