Those who braved the gusty winds yesterday morning and participated in Bergen Audubon’s Harrier Meadow Nature Walk were treated to sightings of many species. The list includes Northern Harriers, American Kestrels, a Red-tailed Hawk, Greater yellow legs, Killdeer, Tree Swallows, a Northern Shoveler and the find of the day – an uncommon for these parts Eastern Bluebird.
We have two upcoming walks in a couple of weeks you won’t want to miss. On Tuesday, April 19, from 10 am to noon, we’ll walk DeKorte Park looking for spring arrivals such as Ospreys, early warblers and shorebirds.
Then, celebrate Earth Day on Friday, April 22, with a special raptor talk at the Meadowlands Environment Center followed by a DeKorte walk. The event is from 1:30 to 3:30 pm and begins with “Return of the Raptors.” BCAS President Don Torino will discuss how Eagles, Osprey, Peregrine Falcons and other species have returned to the area after years of decline. Then we’ll traverse the park.
Register for the free program here.
For more information email or call 201-230-4983.