Tag Archives: DeKorte Park

New Feature: Directions to NJMC Sites

     Getting to many of the New Jersey Meadowlands locations can be tough — but we are trying to simplify the task.

   At the upper left-hand corner of this blog, we are posting links via Google Maps that enable you to type in your address and get directions to DeKorte Park in Secaucus and elsewhere.

     Note: With most of these Internet mapping sites, Google maps may not list the best option as the first option. Try alternate suggestions, and look at the map to get a better sense of where you need to go.

DeKorte Finery — with labels

Bleeding hearts
   This spring, when you visit DeKorte Park, you can enjoy the plantings even more.
   If you'Bleeding hearts signre not a flora fanatic, you may often see a plant or bud that you have trouble identifying. No more.
    The Meadowlands Commission has been busy creating signs to go with the plants, so in most cases you'll be able to stop guessing. Those beautiful flowers above, are Bleeding Hearts, as the nearby sign explains.
  The idea is to make the park as enjoyable — and educational — as we can.
   Click "Continue reading…"  to see more plants in their finery.

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Observatory Schedule for May



The William D. McDowell Observatory in DeKorte Park has a full schedule for May, including several free public observation nights, a month-long Tuesday-night astronomy course, and a special program on how NASA technology has been applied to everyday life.

Public Viewing Schedule

     Observe the skies through the 20-inch diameter telescope of the William D. McDowell Observatory each Monday and Wednesday evening. Because of the later sunsets, the viewing hours will begin at 9 pm.

    Each free session focuses on two major objects on the night sky, plus one or two other celestial objects or events depending on the observing conditions.

      Observing is weather dependent and will be canceled for that night if the skies are cloudy at the beginning of the observing session.

    Click "Continue reading …" to view entire May observatory schedule.

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DeKorte Park is in its spring finery

Kingsland overlook
   If you are looking  for a great place for a spring walk, look no farther than DeKorte Park, which isIMG_3263 just starting to burst with blooms.
  Above is the start of the Kingsland Overlook Trail just inside the main gate, including the forsythias.

    On the left is a close-up of crocuses one of the many gardens that are coming to life.

   (Almost forgot — there are plenty of great birds arrriving as well!)
   The trails at DeKorte are open from dawn to dusk. The observatory is open to the public from 8 to 10 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays.

   Click "Continue reading …" for more photos.

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